Well its official I am not good at picking films!
This evening I thought it would be a good idea for Megan and I to go to the cinema! As Megan is officially a film addict and had seen most things on I was allowed to pick. Big mistake!
I should say last time we went to the cinema I picked and we ended up both crying as we went to see "One Day" where the woman gets killed at the end, just after she had found the love of her life! And this time I chose "The Iron Lady" which I thought would be a good one about Margaret Thatcher! How wrong was I! We had to walk out after 40 mins as I thought I was going to sob loudly! Now I should point out it wasnt her politics I felt like crying about but the film portrays her struggling to deal with the loss of Denis. It is constantly referring to this and she can see him and cant bare to remove his clothes from the house. Her pain at loosing him centres the whole story! It felt like someone was stabbing my chest. And so I did what I could do and suggested Meg and I left. I wasnt sure that the rest of the cinema needed to hear me crying and more importantly didnt want Meg to witness it.
So with the excuse of being tired we left. Megan has now decided that she will not be going to the cinema again with me unless she has watched a trailer first!
I think it hurt so much as I saw Margaret's daughters on at her to remove his clothes and her resistance to this and I could understand. Not that anyone has been on at me but I keep thinking of it and I have sorted out some of things. In fact I asked a good friend who is a wizz at curtain making to make me a couple of cushions out of Steves dressing gown. I know it might sound odd but Steve had a silk dressing gown which he had since he was 18 and he loved it! It was so old fashioned and paisley but he loved it! No matter what the weather he would wear it, strolling around the garden having a cigarette! His Mum even sent him money for Xmas a few years ago and put a note in saying buy yourself a new dressing gown! But he flatly refused.
As much as I wasnt the biggest fan of the dressing gown it was him! And every time I went to the bathroom it just starred at me! And it hurt to look at it, thinking it would never be used again! So I asked my friend and she made me 2 small cushions and I have put one away for Victoria and the other is on my chair in my bedroom. However as for the rest of the things, well they made it only as far as the guest bedroom. I will probably do something this year but I had not thought about it. Until that is I saw this damn film tonight!
I was only thinking last night about how I had missed the 10th of the month! I obviously didnt miss the 10th but didnt think of the significance of it. In fact I even was okay on the 9th which is normally my nightmare day! And I was okay! Not just okay but good. Life has been busy with work and all things are going well. The xmas break was bearable and Im determined that 2012 is going to be a good year! A year about making things happen and lots of fun and adventure!
Tonight proved to me Im still very sensitive to things and it doesnt take much for the sad feelings to come back with force.
So from now on Megan will be choosing the films! Hmmm lots of flick chicks for me I think!
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